2020年11月18日 news
AACE SITE 論文出版のお知らせ
今春、AACE SITE 2020にて
Practice of Narrative Approach using e-learning in Cross-Cultural Understanding Education
Yohei Yamamoto, KIBI Inc., Japan
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Apr 07, 2020 in Online ISBN 978-1-939797-48-3
Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC USA
In terms of supporting the international students in Japan who would like to work at Japanese companies, the supporting programs focused on business manner, interview simulation, how to write the resume. On the other hand, Japanese companies tend to judge from the viewpoint of whether the candidate will be able to fit their atmosphere and communicate with their co-workers and clients. The supporting programs which didn’t include the cross-cultural understanding educations were not enough for the international students. When we cultivate the international students’ skills of cross-cultural communication, we should take care not to provide them with the passive and one-way learning programs. If they can’t cultivate enough cross-cultural communication skills, they will face to the cultural gaps and be very confused after working at Japanese companies. So, we developed the new narrative approach method using the e-learning for cultivating cross-cultural communication skills that is based on the Manga-method and provided the Japanese educational institution with our new educational program that includes the blended learning. In this paper, we describe the effect of our practical narrative approach using Manga-based e-learning for the international students in Japan that focused on the emotional and affective communication skills.
Yamamoto, Y. (2020). Practice of Narrative Approach using e-learning in Cross-Cultural Understanding Education. In D. Schmidt-Crawford (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 644-650). Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).